Narara Tapu (Marine National Park & Sanctuary)

The Island accessible by road..

At Narara, one has chance to spot octopus, puffer fish, sea anemone, crabs, sting ray, etc. along with some corals. Plus various type of birds scattered around the reef.

The reef at Narara is like Pirotan with similar marine life and birds.. Most people do coral walking at Narara only, as not every time one can reach Jamnagar on the favourable dates to visit Pirotan.

One can just drive to Narara, which is about 60 KMS from Jamnagar towards Dwarka; for doing the "Coral Walk" without sailing to the Islands.

camping and visiting permission,
please contact:
Chief Conservator of Forests,
Marine National Park,
"Van Sankul", Nagnath Gate,
Phone (0288 ) 2679357
Fax (0288) 2770161


Contact. 7359610233
iqbalbhai, narara guide.



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